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Having A Goal Is Important

My attempts with writing over the years have been dismal, but I still persist. As I described on my ‘ABOUT’ page, there have been unseen roadblocks in my life that haven’t helped. But, I now have the support in dealing with them, to remove them from my path.

The title of my post is true, and it can be applied to anything in our lives, not just writing. That being said, my goal is to submit the best short story possible to the Writers of the Future contest. I won’t lie or mislead anyone, I’ve thought about this for years, but I never submitted because I thought my writing wasn’t good enough. However, I should let someone else decide that, an unbiased professional judge.

I’m familiar with the contest, and I know that this would be a wonderful opportunity for me if I did well in the voting. There are science fiction and fantasy markets out there for new, unpublished writers, but many aren’t currently accepting submissions; their slush piles are overflowing.  Then there are others that don’t take unsolicited manuscripts. That makes the WotF contest a logical choice for me. I’ll still keep trying to submit to other magazines once they’re open to submissions again.

I won’t kid myself. There are a lot of very creative writers in the genre, and the competition is fierce. Yet, I have one thing going for me that no other writer has…my own voice. Hopefully, that voice will be heard and welcomed. Now, I have a little less than three months left before the deadline for the next quarter. Wish me luck!

For those of you who might also be interested in this contest, please visit their Writers of the Future website.

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