Camp NaNoWriMo 2015

Wow! Has it really been that long since I had written my last post? Well, a lot has been going on in my life…but that’s another story.

In less than 10 hours, Camp NaNoWriMo 2015 will begin. I believe I have a good subject this time around. The logline for it is:

“Sent back in time, a couple has to convince an artist to finish a painting. If they fail, then there might not be a future for anyone.”

I have a soft spot in my heart for time travel stories. My major impetus in enjoying them is that everyone says that they’re impossible. Deep within me, I still think that nothing is impossible…maybe improbable, but not impossible.

Even though Camp NaNoWriMo is related to NaNoWriMo, the ‘Camp’ allows you to do any project you want with any word count you want. In addition to writing, I think I might try and add a few illustrations. This could prove very interesting!

Well, it’s time for me to finish up some planning details before midnight. I’ll try and not let another five months go by before I write another post!

Communicating Without Words

Right now, I’m listening to Jean-Luc Ponty’s album, Individual Choice, as I write this post.

Writing is not natural for me; it’s very hard to put down in words the way I feel inside. You would think that after so many years of trying, it would become easier, but no. There are other mediums that I’ve used in the past to help me express my emotions. Photography and art are my options of choice.

Since childhood, I would draw and paint. My dream at that time, which was encouraged by my father, who was a civil engineer in the US Air Force, was to become an architect…another Frank Lloyd Wright.  Then as a young teen, I became a photographer/darkroom technician (photographic art, along with  school newspaper/yearbook journalism.) Truth be known, I’m more of a visual artist than a verbal one. Yet, I was lured to writing by its siren song.

To this day, I would rather be a writer than a visual artist, but the two fight each other all the time…see my ‘ABOUT’ Page for some clarification. It’s very frustrating! Sometimes the only way that I can vent my feelings is through my art. Here are a couple of samples I’d like to share.

My dreams are like the distant mountains that I paint.

My dreams are like the distant mountains I paint.

I sometimes feel like a shadow of the subjects I photograph.

I sometimes feel like a shadow of the subjects I photograph.

Now, it’s time to get my bearings, and focus on the short story I’m working on. Yeah, ‘focus’ is an intentional pun. 🙂